Defamation and Reputation Management

A negative or false online review can be devastating to a business.  Whether defamatory listings are from a review-based site, a message board, or a special purpose website, they affect your online reputation and your bottom line.  In such cases, unfounded and untruthful content must be removed quickly and properly. Oftentimes, a strongly worded letter from qualified attorneys is all that is needed to convince the poster to remove the offending content.  Other cases can be handled by contacting the hosting website and alerting it to possible FTC or intellectual property violations.  An extreme situation may require filing a John Doe lawsuit seeking damages and injunctive relief. 

We understand how important it is for you to have a positive online reputation.  The attorneys at Lewis & Lin have fought on behalf of companies and individuals to identify people responsible for the posting of offending online materials, remove the defamatory content, and seek potential damages. 

To discuss your online defamation case, contact us today.